The precautionary boil water advisory remains in effect on Siksika Nation for homes located in Maps 4 & 4.1 (North Camp area) that are on the public water supply system. About 30 homes within the area are affected by this precautionary advisory; these households have been contacted directly, and provided with resource information to help mitigate health risks.
Advisories are issued for a number of reasons; a boil water advisory is issued in response to an event that may cause the water system to become contaminated with bacteria, or when harmful bacteria is detected in the lines. The current boil water advisory for Siksika Nation Map 4 and 4.1 was issued because of lowered pressure in the water lines from the treatment plant. When a pipe loses pressure, there is a possibility that bacteria can enter a pipe, so as a precaution, the Environmental Public Health Officer with Indigenous Services Canada issued an advisory. Boiling your water is an effective temporary measure that will destroy any bacteria that may be in the system, until lab testing confirms that there is none.
At this time, water service across Siksika Nation has been restored and Public Works has flushed the system. Siksika Health is currently sampling the water for any contaminants, and the Environmental Public Health Officer continues to monitor the situation.
Thank you, Siksika, for your patience while this situation is addressed, and for following recommendations to protect our health. The boil water advisory is expected to be cleared by Sunday; please keep an eye on official communication platforms for updates.
For more information and recommended guidance: