Our History iiskohstiik
Oki! Established in 1970, Siksika Health Services (SHS) offers comprehensive and holistic health services on the Siksika Nation.
SHS is guided by the traditional value of healing each other together, and provides a wide range of quality health and wellbeing services to all Nation members and surrounding communities.
Siksika Nation continues to maintain our values, principles and beliefs as Niitsitapii (the Real People) and have survived generations of colonization. As Niitsitapii, we practice and protect our culture, language and traditions, and most of all we help others.
Quality health and wellness for Siksikawa.
To improve and promote Siksika quality of life through safe, accountable and efficient health service delivery based on the needs of Siksika Nation members.
Siksika Health Services Values
Teamwork: Through mutual respect, trust, dignity, and support
Resiliency: challenge adversity with an optimistic and positive attitude
Leadership: strong, committed, and innovative leadership
Client-focused: programs and services based on the needs of our clients
Siksika Health Services’ Logo
Iinii (Buffalo) is a sacred animal among the Blackfoot people. It symbolizes our “way of life”, protection, strength and healing of the mind, body, and spirit. Iinii was a source of survival, spirituality and healing. It is a gift given to us by our Creator.
The coloured circles represent: the four aspects of life; four races living in balance, peace and harmony; four pillars of Primary Care – Teams, Access, Information and Healthy Living.
The seven hooves represent the seven sacred traditional societies, and the life cycle that we pass through from infancy to Elderhood. This also represents recognition of Treaty 7 and Blackfoot Confederacy and their lasting impact.