Head Start Preschool Program
Oki! The Siksika Head Start Program is a comprehensive early childhood development program for preschool aged children (3-4 years old) living on Siksika Nation.
To contact Siksika’s Head Start Preschool Program, please call 403-734-5755.
Hours of operation are 8:00am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday.
Head Start is a holistic early intervention program that addresses the needs of Siksika’s preschool (3-4 year old) children.
Head Start provides a continuum of support for children’s social, emotional, and cognitive growth and development, including:
- Health promotion
- Nutrition
- Preschool education (early literacy and math skills)
- Social interaction
- Parent/child interaction and parenting skills
- Culture and language
- Special needs

The program operates from September to June each year, with a graduation held in June. Two groups of preschoolers attending the program twice a week: one group from the east side of Siksika Nation, and the second group from the West side of Siksika. Classes run Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday. Transportation is provided for the preschoolers to and from the Head Start building, and breakfast, lunch and snack are provided daily.
Hours of Operation are from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Closed for Lunch (noon hour) and holidays.
We welcome all Siksika Nation children and Non-Indigenous/Non-Status children that are ages 3-4 years old. You can register online or visit the Siksika Head Start building for registration forms. For more information contact us by phone at 403.734.5755 or by email at headstart@siksikahealth.com.
To register fill out the form below: